GRAPHENE | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 15 Feb 2024

Updated 22 Mar 2024

4 min read

Why in the News?

MeitY Secretary launched a Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Intelligent Internet of Things (IIoT) Sensors and India’s first graphene centre - India Innovation Centre for Graphene (IICG) in Kerala.


More on the News

  • IICG is India’s first Graphene Centre.
  • IICG is a joint venture of the Digital University of Kerala, Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology (C-MET) and Tata Steel Limited funded by MeitY. 
  • IICG aims to foster Research and development, product innovation and capacity building in the area of Graphene and two-dimensional materials (2DM).
    • It will also support the Graphene-Aurora program of the MeitY.
      • This programme aims to fill the gap between R&D and commercialization by providing a complete facility to startup and industry.


About Graphene

  • Graphene is derived from graphite, the material found in pencil lead.
    • 1mm of graphite contains some 3 million layers of graphene 
  • It is a one-atom-thick layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice like a honeycomb.
  • It is a two-dimensional form (allotrope) of carbon.
  • Graphene is prepared by heating either Intercalated Graphite, Coal tar or Shellac or a mixture of these three in inert atmosphere
  • Properties of Graphene: 
    • Strongest material: 200 times stronger than steel, yet six times lighter.
    • High Thermal Conductivity: Graphene has a thermal conductivity of up to 5000 W/m/K at room temperature, which is much higher than most other materials.
    • High Electrical conductivity: Graphene exhibits incredibly high electrical conductivity surpassing even copper.
    • High Surface Area: Graphene has an exceptionally high surface area due to its two-dimensional structure.
    • Impermeable: It impermeable to gases, even those as light as hydrogen or helium, 
    • Transparent: Almost perfectly transparent since it only absorbs 2% of light. Even more transparent than glass and plastic.
    • Flexible: This wonder material is incredibly flexible Ideal for wearable electronics.
    • Large surface area: Enables efficient chemical reactions and sensors.
    • Chemical Stability: Graphene is chemically stable and inert. It does not easily react with other chemicals.
    • Biocompatibility: This property makes Graphene suitable for biomedical applications.


Applications of Graphene

Graphene has been hailed as the Wonder Material of the 21st century, owing to its vast potential to revolutionize various industries. Noteworthy applications include

  • Electronics: Graphene-based transistors, circuits, and conductive elements for faster and more efficient electronic devices.
  • Energy Storage: Graphene-based batteries and supercapacitors with high energy density and rapid charging capabilities.
  • Conductive Films: Transparent conductive films for applications in touchscreens, flexible displays, and solar cells.
  • Materials Reinforcement: Reinforcement of composites and materials to enhance mechanical strength and reduce weight in aerospace and automotive industries.
  • Thermal Management: Heat sinks and thermal interface materials for efficient heat dissipation in electronic devices.
  • Sensors: High-sensitivity sensors for detecting gases, chemicals, and biological molecules.
  • Biomedical Devices: Drug delivery systems, biosensors, and imaging devices due to graphene's biocompatibility and unique properties.
  • Water Filtration: Graphene-based membranes for water filtration, desalination, and purification processes.
  • Coatings and Films: Anti-corrosion coatings, anti-fogging films, and protective layers for various surfaces.
  • Lightweight Materials: Lightweight and strong materials for use in sports equipment, automotive parts, and structural components.


Ongoing graphene research promises continual breakthroughs. The India Innovation Centre for Graphene (IICG) will position India as a global leader in Graphene research, showcasing a commitment to innovation and the strategic utilization of graphene's transformative potential across diverse applications.


  • Along with IICG, Centre of Excellence in Intelligent Internet of Things Sensors was also launched.
    • It aims at creating incubation facilities, build capacity in intelligent IoT sensors, promote research and innovation.
    • IoT is the interconnection of computing devices in everyday lives with the internet.
  • Tags :
  • Carbon
  • Centre of excellence
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