Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) launches Vishvasya-Blockchain Technology Stack | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) launches Vishvasya-Blockchain Technology Stack

Posted 05 Sep 2024

2 min read

Blockchain is a Distributed Ledger Technology i.e., a shared irreversible ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets across a business network.

  • Google Doc can be taken as an example to understand Blockchain technology. When a Google doc is created and shared, the document is distributed instead of copied or transferred. 

About Vishvasya (BaaS) 

  • It has been launched to offer Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) with a geographically distributed infrastructure designed to support various permissioned Blockchain based applications.
    • BaaS refers to third-party cloud-based infrastructure and management for companies building and operating blockchain apps.
  • It is a part of the broader National Blockchain Framework provided under National Strategy on Blockchain.
    • NBF is meant for effectively utilize the Blockchain technology in different domains such as health,agriculture, education, finance, etc.
  • It seeks to addresses the challenges of Blockchain adoption across various stakeholders including Infrastructure Providers, Smart Contract Developers, etc.
An infographic showing features of Vishvasta Blockchain as a Service - Rapid end-to-end Permissioned Blockchain Application Development and Deployment, Ready to use Security Audited Blockchain Containers for Production setup, Blockchain specific Security Audit Guidelines & Best Practices, Geographically Distributed Infrastructure across 3 Data Centres (Hyderabad, Pune, & Bhubaneswar), Framework Augmented with Documentation for easy onboarding of Stakeholders, and NBF - Lite Light weight platform bundled & offered for Rapid prototyping, Research and Learning.


MeitY also unveiled: 

  • NBFLite-Lightweight Blockchain Platform: A Blockchain sandbox platform for startups/academia for rapid prototyping of applications, carrying out research and capacity building.
  • Praamaanik: A blockchain-enabled solution for verifying the origin of mobile apps.
  • National Blockchain Portal


  • Tags :
  • Blockchain
  • Vishvasya-Blockchain Technology Stack
  • BaaS
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