Mumbai set to witness first installation of 210 artificial reefs | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Mumbai set to witness first installation of 210 artificial reefs

Posted 06 Apr 2024

2 min read

  • Artificial reefs will be deployed in the Arabian Sea, near Worli Koliwada.


  • About Artificial reefs
    • These are engineering technology interventions are used to rehabilitate and/ or improve natural habitats.
      • These are placed on the seabed with a fixed scientific design and functions as a self-sustaining production system.
    • They mimic characteristics of a natural reef.
      • Natural reef is a ridge of material at or near the surface of the ocean, made of rocks or the skeletons of small animals called corals.
    • Materials used: Rocks, cinder blocks, wood, old tires, limestone, steel, and concrete.


  • Benefits of Artificial reefs
    • Marine Habitat Restoration and Biodiversity Enhancement: Providing firm substrates for Corals, algae and plankton etc.
      • It also acts as a carbon sink and also helps in nutrient recycling, maintenance of water quality and waste management.
    • Development of Fisheries: Aggregates fish and provide nursery grounds for fish resulting in increase in catch rates saving fuel and energy costs. 
      • Also, enhance recreational fisheries such as snorkelling. 
    • Other: Reduces wave damage on coasts and restricts bottom trawling, promotes eco-tourism etc. 


Key Initiative

  • Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY)
    • Department of Fisheries promotes artificial reef units for coastal states as a sub-activity under “Integrated Modern Coastal Fishing Villages'' of the scheme. 
    • It is implemented with support from Fishery Survey of India and ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute. 
  • Tags :
  • Artificial Reef
  • PM matasya yojana
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