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How to keep going amid the chaos
  • The Economic Times
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  • Ethics
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  • 2024-12-30
  • Tragic Optimism
  • Toxic Positivity
  • Resilience

The article discusses the concept of "tragic optimism," a term coined by Viktor Frankl, emphasizing resilience in the face of suffering and uncertainty. It advocates for emotional flexibility, wise hope, and real action to maintain personal and communal resilience.

Resilience in Times of Disorder and Loss

In the face of disorder, uncertainty, or loss, resilience may appear unattainable. However, it is precisely during such times that maintaining optimism becomes essential. Embracing concepts like tragic optimism, wise hope, and real action can be pivotal in overcoming despair.

Tragic Optimism

Tragic optimism is a concept coined by Holocaust survivor and psychologist Viktor Frankl. It involves finding meaning and maintaining hope despite inevitable suffering, recognizing life's inherent challenges including:

  • Physical pain: Due to our physical nature.
  • Guilt: Arising from the freedom to make choices and bearing responsibility when things go wrong.
  • Loss: Accepting the impermanence of cherished aspects of life, including life itself.

Tragic optimism acknowledges that happiness cannot be forced or expected at all times, allowing for a full range of emotions. Research indicates that emotional flexibility, such as holding onto hope amidst loss, is linked with greater resilience.

Avoidance of Toxic Positivity

Unlike toxic positivity, which denies reality and romanticizes suffering, tragic optimism accepts the inevitability of suffering. It encourages a balanced approach, avoiding both extreme optimism and excessive pessimism, and instead advocates for wise hope and actionable steps.

Wise Hope and Action

This approach involves:

  • Accepting situations as they are.
  • Focusing on controllable aspects.
  • Drawing strength from past challenges.

Recognizing our agency fosters hope, and maintaining hope reinforces our sense of agency.

Core Factors of Resilience

Resilience is underpinned by several key factors:

  • Leaning into community support.
  • Being kind to oneself.
  • Establishing small routines for mental health.
  • Balancing feelings of loss with hope.

Embracing tragic optimism and wise action helps exert agency, contributing to personal and communal resilience.

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