Justice Hema Committee Report on Sexual Harassment of Women in Malayalam Cinema | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Justice Hema Committee Report on Sexual Harassment of Women in Malayalam Cinema

Posted 29 Aug 2024

2 min read

Report formulated on the directions of the Kerala Government highlighted issues like existence of ‘power group’, couch casting, lack of essential facilities such as toilets, changing rooms, safe transportation, etc. 

  • The issues highlighted by the Committee rekindled the #MeToo Movement and sexual harassment of women at workplace.

Reasons for Sexual Harassment at Workplace

  • Male Domination: Sexual demands for rising into higher positions. 
  • Online Harassment or Cyberattacks: Trolling; threatened with vulgar pictures, videos, etc. 
  • Legal non-compliance: Absent or inefficient Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) mandated under the POSH Act, 2013. 
    • ICC is mandatory in all establishments employing 10 or more persons, with a majority of women membership. 

Major Recommendations 

  • Characterisation of Women in cinema: Depicting as holders of powerful positions like Civil Servants, Ambassadors, leaders, etc. 
  • Gender Awareness Training Program: Challenging the monopoly of power enjoyed by men; projecting women equal to men. 
  • Redefining Masculinity and Femininity: Masculinity to be equated to justice, equality, and compassion instead of violence and aggression
    • Femininity to be divorced from passiveness and silent suffering
  • Creation of a Welfare Fund: For the support of women in job break due to child bearing, health or other responsibilities. 

Other measures taken to address Sexual Harassment at Workplace

  • Indecent Representation of Women Act, 1987
  • Vishakha and Others Vs State of Rajasthan (1997): SC established duty of the employer to deter sexual harassment acts. 
  • Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023: Chapter V deals with sexual offenses against Women and Children. 
  • Government initiatives: SHe-Box, Working Women Hostel, etc.
  • Tags :
  • POSH Act
  • Sexual Harassment at Workplace
  • Internal Complaint Committee
  • Vishakha Guidelines
  • Justice Hema Committee
  • BNS, 2023
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