NITI Aayog & KPMG Publishes a Report on Impact Assessment of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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NITI Aayog & KPMG Publishes a Report on Impact Assessment of Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana

Posted 13 Aug 2024

2 min read

Report has analyzed performance and contribution of the PM Mudra Yojana under the Ministry of Finance towards Micro, small, medium enterprises (MSMEs).

Key Findings of Study

  • Overall Performance: Since its launch in 2015, scheme has provided credit support to 35 crore Micro and Small entrepreneur Accounts. 
  • Financial Inclusion: Women held around 71% of the total number of accounts (FY 2022). Sanctioned amount for new entrepreneurs has also increased.
  • Encourages small businesses: Majority loan accounts (80%) are in the Shishu category (FY 2021).
  • Regional variation: Number of accounts & amount sanctioned for the Northeast region is not only the lowest but is also decreasing.

Challenges associated with Scheme:

  • Scheme Design
    • Lack of collateral increases fear of NPA among banks.
    • High refinancing rates
    • Ceiling of 15% on pay out under Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro Units (CGFMU) is not feasible and restricts benefits of banks.
  • Institutional Mechanism
    • Poor credit penetration to weaker sections & remote areas
    • Lack of centralized database for collecting information about customers

Key recommendations for scheme 

  • A Portal enabling real-time upload of beneficiary data.
  • Increasing digitization e.g. Use of Chatbots for query redressal.
  • A recognition mechanism is needed for different Micro Lending Institutions (MLIs) based on their scale of operation and performance.

About PM Mudra Yojana 

  • Type: Central Sector Scheme
  • Purpose: To create an inclusive, sustainable and value based entrepreneurial culture
  • Loan categories: 
    • Shishu (loans up to INR 50,000) 
    • Kishore (loans above INR 50,000 and up to INR 5 lakhs) 
    • Tarun (loans above INR 5 lakhs and up to INR 20 lakhs)
  • Credit Guarantee: To eligible micro units through CGFMU.
  • Tags :
  • MSMEs
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY)
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