International Labour Organization published its report “Global Employment Trends (GET) for Youth 2024” | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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International Labour Organization published its report “Global Employment Trends (GET) for Youth 2024”

Posted 13 Aug 2024

2 min read

The report represents the 20th anniversary publication of GET for Youth and focuses on achievements, challenges and outlook for youth employment.

Key Highlights of Report 

  • Post Covid recovery: Global youth unemployment rate in 2023 is 13%, the lowest in 15 years, and 64.9 million unemployed youth, the lowest since 2000.
  • NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) Status: 20.4% of youth were in NEET in 2023, indicating broader labour market exclusion.
    • 2 in 3 young NEETs are women.
  • Global Challenges:
    • Inequalities of Opportunity: 4 in 5 young adult workers are in regular paid job in high-income countries, compared to 1 in 5 in low-income countries.
    • Regional disparities: Growth in youth labour force in Africa by 2050 while all other regions face contraction. 
      • Also, 1 in 3 youth in Arab states and North Africa are unemployed.
    • Youth well-being concern: Many young people are stressed about job loss, state of economy, and lack of social mobility across generations. 
    • Educational Mismatch: 2 in 3 young adult workers in developing economies hold qualifications that do not match well to their job. 

Recommendations from the report

  • Enhance education and training to improve school-to-work transitions and address skill mismatches.
  • Target labour market policies to support disadvantaged youth.
  • Promote entrepreneurship and self-employment among young people.
  • Amplify the policy focus on job creation through gender-responsive macroeconomic and sectoral policies.
  • Emphasize youth inclusion in policy making, improve international cooperation and enhance public-private partnerships.
  • Tags :
  • Employment
  • Youth Employment
  • International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • ILO report
  • Global Employment Trends
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