52 out of 53 top Indian apps use dark patterns to deceive users: ASCI report | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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52 out of 53 top Indian apps use dark patterns to deceive users: ASCI report

Posted 03 Aug 2024

2 min read

Report by Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI), titled "Conscious Patterns," reveals that almost all Indian apps use deceptive or dark patterns in their business. 

Dark Patterns

  • Definition: Business practices employing elements of digital choice architecture, that impair consumer autonomy, decision-making or choice.
  • Impact: Users often suffer financial losses, data breaches, and compromised privacy.
  • Initiative: ASCI and Department of Consumer Affairs issued guidelines for the prevention and regulation of Deceptive Patterns in 2023.

Key Dark Patterns Identified by ASCI Study

  • Privacy Deception: Manipulating users into unknowingly sharing more personal data than intended (e.g., permission for location tracking)
  • Interface Interference: Hiding certain parts of the platform to misdirect users into taking actions (e.g., unlock cashback). 
  • Drip Pricing: Revealing additional fees gradually and making the final price higher than that originally quoted (e.g., packaging charges).
  • False Urgency: Creating a sense of artificial pressure (e.g., only a few seats available). 
  • Confirm-Shaming: Using guilt or social pressure to manipulate users into confirming an action (e.g., choice between upgrade now vs. I don’t want a smarter software).

Conscious Pattern Website 

  • Based on the study a ‘’Conscious Pattern Website’ has been created. 
  • It enables makers to build Digitally Conscious Products. 
  • Its vision is to enable informed consumer choices online.
  • Tags :
  • Dark patterns
  • ASCI
  • Conscious Patterns
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