Chhattisgarh approves a proposal to notify Guru Ghasidas Tamor Pingla Tiger Reserve (TR) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Chhattisgarh approves a proposal to notify Guru Ghasidas Tamor Pingla Tiger Reserve (TR)

Posted 08 Aug 2024

2 min read

It is formed after integrating the regions of Guru Ghasidas National Park and Tamor Pingla Sanctuary. 

  • It will be Chhattisgarh's 4th TR.  The other 3 TRs are Indravati, Udanti-Sitanadi and Achanakmar.
  • Also, it will be 3rd largest TR in the country. 
    • Nagarjunsagar Srisailam (Andhra Pradesh) is the largest TR in the country followed by Assam’s Manas.

About Tiger Reserve

  • TR is considered as critical for tiger conservation, consists of two parts:
    • Core or critical tiger habitat: National Park or Sanctuary status 
    • Buffer or peripheral area: A lesser degree of habitat protection is required
  • Currently, there are 55 TRs in the country (Dholpur – Karauli TR is 55th, declared in 2023)

How are tiger reserves notified?

  • TRs are notified by State Governments as per provisions of Section 38V of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 on the advice of National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA).
  • Alteration and de-notification: 
    • No alteration in boundaries of TRs shall be made except on a recommendation of NTCA and approval of National Board for Wild Life (NBWL)
      • NBWL is a statutory board constituted under Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 responsible for promotion of conservation & development of wildlife & forests.
    • No State Government shall de-notify a TR, except in public interest with approval of NTCA and NBWL.

About Guru Ghasidas National Park and Tamor Pingla Sanctuary

  • Guru Ghasidas National Park
    • It is located on Chhota Nagpur plateau and some part in Baghelkhand plateau
    • Vegetation: Moist deciduous with moderately dense forest
      • Key tree includes Teak, Sal, Gurjan, Palas, Tendu, Mahua etc.
    • Rivers:  Falls under Son drainage basin.
    • Fauna: Tigers, Leopards, Jackals, Barking deer, Spotted Deer etc.
  • Tamor Pingla Sanctuary
    • It is known for Asian elephants, Bengal tigers, Indian leopards, bears, Sambar deer, wild boars, etc. 
    • The name of this sanctuary is based on names of Tamor and Pingala Reserve Forests, that are named after Tamor Pahar and Pingla River.
  • Tags :
  • Tiger Reserves
  • Guru Ghasidas-Tamor Pingla Tiger Reserve
  • Guru Ghasidas National Park
  • Tamor Pingla Sanctuary
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