Government allows sale of rice from Food Corporation of India for ethanol production | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Government allows sale of rice from Food Corporation of India for ethanol production

Posted 30 Aug 2024

2 min read

Food ministry has allowed ethanol producers to participate in Open Market Sale Scheme of rice between August and October 2024.

  • Ministry also permitted use of sugarcane juice, sugar syrup, B heavy molasses and C heavy molasses for ethanol production in 2024-2025, reversing last year’s ban.
    • Earlier ban was to ensure sugar availability for domestic consumption and price stability.

Rationale behind Latest orders

  • Manage Excess Stock: India has Surplus rice stocks (Exceeding 540 lakh tonnes).
  • Contribute to India's energy security and self-reliance: By boosting renewable energy use through ethanol blending.

Ethanol Blending Program

  • Objective: Blending of ethanol in petrol with multiple objectives including reducing import dependence, savings in foreign exchange etc.
  • Target: 20% ethanol blending by 2025-2026.
  • Status: Amount of ethanol blended with petrol has surged to over 500 crore liters in 2022-23, with a current blending rate exceeding 15%.

Challenges faced in ethanol Blending

  • Producers: Availability of feedstock, weather related issues
  • Oil Marketing Companies: Need for additional storage tanks, logistics cost and emissions
  • Vehicle manufacturers: Optimization of engine for higher blends, conduct of durability studies on engines and field trials

Way Forward for ethanol Blending

  • Encouraging use of water saving crops to produce ethanol. E.g. Maize
  • Production from non-food feedstock to prevent tradeoff with food security
  • Clustering of ethanol distilleries, Supplied from surplus to deficit states

Initiatives Taken

  • National Policy on Biofuels (2018) 
  • Reduced GST on ethanol  for Ethanol Blending Program from 18% to 5%;
  • Amendment to Industries (Development & Regulation) Act, 1951 for smooth movement of ethanol across country
  • Tags :
  • Ethanol
  • Ethanol Blending
  • Ethanol Blending Program
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