Researchers have uncovered the transmission of pathogens between managed western honey bees and wild pollinators, a process called pathogen spillover and spillback.
- Western honey bees are often viral reservoirs and can infect wild species, threatening wider pollinator community.
- Pollinators like honeybees, butterflies, birds, bats etc. travel from plant to plant carrying pollen in a vital interaction that allows transfer of genetic material critical to the reproductive system of most flowering plants.
- Three-fourths of the world’s flowering plants and about 35% of the world’s food crops depend on animal pollinators to reproduce.
- Tags :
- Food Security
- Pollinators
- Bees
Bacterial Computer
Recently, researchers in Kolkata achieved a breakthrough in synthetic biology where they engineered bacteria to perform mathematical and computational tasks.
- This was done by introducing Genetic Circuits – biological systems that allow cells to interact and respond to each other by performing logical functions – in bacteria.
- Such engineered bacteria with different genetic circuits can be combined to act as artificial neural networks, capable of abstract mathematics.
- In such network, each engineered bacteria acts as a “bactoneuron”, functioning as an artificial neuron.
- Potential Applications: Early disease detection and treatment, enhancement in carbon sequestration through cell-based biocomputers, faster computing etc.
- Tags :
- Bacteria
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Genetic Circuits
- Bactoneurons
AYushman Vaya Vandana Yojana
Over 10 lakh senior citizens have enrolled in the Ayushman Vandana scheme within three weeks of its launch.
- Notably, women account for around 4 lakh enrolments under the scheme.
About the scheme
- Launched in October 2024, it is part of the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY), aimed at providing free healthcare to senior citizens aged 70 and above.
- AB-PMJAY was launched in 2018 to achieve the vision of Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
- Ayushman Vaya Vandana cards have been issued under the scheme covering treatments of a range of medical conditions.
- Tags :
- Ayushman Bharat
- Ayushman Vaya Vandana Yojana
Uniform Protection Protocol
Central Electricity Authority approves the Uniform Protection Protocol for users of Indian Grid for implementation on Pan India basis.
About Uniform Protection Protocol
- Aim: To ensure Grid stability, reliability, security and support India’s vision for integration of 450 GW Renewable Energy into the National Grid by 2030.
- It addresses the protection requirements for thermal and hydro generating units etc.
- It will ensure proper co-ordination of protection system in order to protect the equipment/system from abnormal operating conditions, isolate the faulty equipment and avoid unintended operation of protection system.
- Tags :
- Renewable Energy
- Electricity Grid
- Grid Protection
Articles Sources
Lake Kariba
A drought has drained Lake Kariba close to record lows, causing power shortage in the region.
About Lake Kariba
- It is the world’s largest artificial lake and reservoir by volume.
- Kariba lake is located in Central Africa in the Zambezi River basin between Zambia and Zimbabwe.
- Its construction was started during 1950s when British ruled Northern and Southern Rhodesia (now Zambia and Zimbabwe).
- Kariba Dam provides electric power to both Zambia and Zimbabwe and supports a thriving commercial fishing industry in Africa.
- Tags :
- Africa
- Climate Change
- Lake Kariba
- Kariba Dam
First trilateral power transaction
Inauguration of first trilateral power transaction from Nepal to Bangladesh through the Indian Grid took place.
- The tripartite power sales agreement between NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam, Nepal Electricity Authority(NEA) and Bangladesh Power Development Board was signed earlier.
About Agreement
- To facilitate power transaction from Nepal to Bangladesh, through Indian grid with an export of upto 40 MW of power.
- Commitment towards greater sub-regional cooperation, including in the energy sector, which would lead to increased inter-linkages between the economies for mutual benefit of all stakeholders.
- Tags :
- Power Cooperation
Articles Sources
APOBEC family
Researchers provide evidence of human-to-human transmission of Mpox Clade Ia strain of the virus, attributed to APOBEC-induced mutations.
- APOBEC-induced mutations can induce specific mutations in DNA.
- APOBEC (apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like) is a family of proteins having diverse functions in human health.
- They have an intrinsic ability to bind to both RNA and single-stranded DNA.
- They can introduce changes (mutations) to the viral DNA while it is being copied in the cells.
- By doing so, APOBEC proteins force mistakes, some of which can be lethal to the virus.
- Tags :
- Mpox
- Genetic Mutations
Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)
Study finds mangrove dieback in Maldives linked to sea level rise and extreme Indian Ocean Dipole.
About IOD
- It is a climate phenomenon based on the difference in sea surface temperatures (SSTs) between the Eastern and Western regions of the Indian Ocean.
- It has 2 phases:
- Positive phase: Warm waters are pushed to the Western Indian Ocean, while cold deep waters are brought up in the Eastern Indian Ocean.
- The high temperatures along coastal Africa cause heavy rains and droughts in Australia.
- Negative Phase: Temperature and rainfall Pattern is reversed.
- Positive phase: Warm waters are pushed to the Western Indian Ocean, while cold deep waters are brought up in the Eastern Indian Ocean.
- Associated sea-level changes increase threats of coastal flooding.
- Tags :
- Indian Ocean
- Sea Level Rise
- Mangrove Dieback
- Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)