The campaign is a part of the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NP-NCD).
- NCD divisions have been established at National, State and District level to ensure planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the programme.
- National NCD Division is headed by Joint Secretary (NCD), MoHFW and Deputy Director General (DDG) is the technical head at the Directorate General Health Services
- Aim: Ensure 100% screening of individuals aged 30 years & above
- Coverage: prevalent NCDs, including Diabetes, Hypertension, and three common cancers (Oral, Breast, and Cervical)
- Strategies adopted: Door-to-door outreach, availability of essential medical supplies, Real Time Monitoring, Multi-Level Coordination (at block, district, state levels) etc.
Non Communicable Diseases and its Status
- NCDs are chronic diseases that are not transmissible from one person to another.
- Status: It accounts for 63% of all deaths in India (74% globally) (WHO- 2018)
- Contributors: Cardiovascular Diseases (27%), Chronic Respiratory Diseases (11%), Cancers (9%), Diabetes (3%) etc.
Reasons behind rising trend of NCDs
- Behavioural Factors: Tobacco use (smoking and smokeless), alcohol use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, air pollution (indoor & outdoor)
- Biological and Physiological Factors: Overweight/obesity, raised blood pressure or blood sugar, high cholesterol etc.
- Others: Stress, hereditary factors etc.
Steps Taken to Control NCDs