United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) releases Signals Spotlight 2024 Report | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) releases Signals Spotlight 2024 Report

Posted 24 Jul 2024

2 min read

Report identifies emerging trends in development and smart ideas for tackling longer-term global challenges

  • Spotlight 2024 focusses on intergenerational equity (fairness between generations) and discusses three key areas

Key areas under Report

  • Hope for an equitable future
    • Rights of nature are starting to be acknowledged in constitutions (Ecuador, Brazil and Bolivia), laws and even corporate boards. 
    • There is growing recognition of need for alternatives to current economic models, from circular or regenerative economies, to new or post-capitalism. 
      • Concept of nature as an asset class is growing. 
    • Young people are expressing themselves, laying the foundation for a creative democracy through digital networks, use of AI etc. 
  • Hope for responsible technological progress
    • AI has the potential to narrow development gaps in agriculture, healthcare, pollution control, education, and even augment democracy.
      • Open Source AI movement has potential to democratize access to AI.  
    • Multilateral cooperation in space, with sufficient regard to ethics, could improve lives on Earth.
      • Satellites could connect the 2.5 billion people still offline. 
  • Hope for resilient and connected communities
    • Challenges to communities include persistent trauma of conflict and disaster, digital disinformation and loneliness left by Covid-19. 
    • Communities and start-ups are investing in social and intergenerational connections.
  • Tags :
  • Intergenerational Equity
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • Signals Spotlight
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