India and Nepal signed MoU to provide grant assistance for the launch of Nepal’s Munal Satellite | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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India and Nepal signed MoU to provide grant assistance for the launch of Nepal’s Munal Satellite

Posted 12 Aug 2024

2 min read

The collaboration highlights the growing role of space technology in diplomacy.

  • Munal Satellite is an indigenous satellite developed in Nepal that aims to build a vegetation density database of the Earth’s surface.
  • The satellite will use NewSpace India Limited’s (NSIL) Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle.

About Space Diplomacy

  • It involves leveraging space science and technology to achieve foreign policy goals and strengthen national space capabilities.

Significance for space diplomacy for India

  • Global south cooperation: India is investing in building resources and building consensus on common space tech for space exploration. E.g., South Asia Satellite Project.
  • National Security: E.g., The India-US space situational awareness agreement can provide access to the U.S. radar and sensor network to mitigate risk to India's space assets.
  • International cooperation and Capacity building: to utilise space resources for the expanding population.
    • E.g., UNispace Nanosatellite Assembly & Training by ISRO’ (UNNATI) makes an effort to educate Foreign Engineers/Scientists  in space sciences.
  • Conflict free space: India is committed to using outer space for peaceful purposes and keeping it conflict-free.
  • Challenges: Lack of private participation, few missions for deep space exploration, lack of multilateral space partnerships, etc.

India’s International Cooperation in space

  • India-US: 
    • India joined the Artemis Accord, an initiative led by the US to commence space exploration and cooperation.
    • NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) satellite
  • India-EU:
    • Cooperation agreement to share earth observation data from each other's satellite
  • India-Russia:
    •  Cooperation for the human spaceflight programme.
  • Tags :
  • Space Diplomacy
  • South Asia Satellite Project
  • Munal Satellite
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