Premature Human Deaths linked to declining Vulture Population | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Premature Human Deaths linked to declining Vulture Population

Posted 16 Aug 2024

1 min read

According to a recent study, half a million humans may have died prematurely from 2000 to 2005 due to functional extinction of vultures in India.

Findings of Study

  • Keystone Species: Clean up disease-ridden carcasses; also reduce populations of other scavengers’ e.g. feral dogs & Pathogens.
  • Human Health Crisis: Declined vulture population increased human mortality by over 4% because of negative shock to sanitation (Increased Pathogens).
  • Economic Costs: Nearly $70 billion is annual monetary damage from this public health crisis.
An image showing types of vultures in India

Vultures in India

  • Large carrion-eating birds found mainly in tropics and subtropics.
  • 9 species of vultures are found in India. Out of them, 3 species are migratory (Cinereous vulture, Griffon vulture and Himalayan vulture).
  • Conservation status: Protected under Schedule (1) of Wildlife Protection Act 1972.
  • Threats: Loss of natural habitats due to anthropogenic activities, Food scarcity, Exposure to drug diclofenac, Electrocution etc.

Vulture Conservation Initiatives 

  • Ban on Veterinary use of Diclofenac (2006), Ketoprofen and Aceclofenac (2023).
  • Action Plan for Vulture Conservation in India 2020-25.
  • Vulture Conservation Breeding Centre in Pinjore, Haryana.
  • Vulture restaurants in Koderma, Raigad etc.
  • Tags :
  • Vulture
  • Keystone Species
  • Diclofenac
  • Scavenger
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