Agriculture Minister inaugurates AI based platform, National Pest Surveillance System | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Agriculture Minister inaugurates AI based platform, National Pest Surveillance System

Posted 16 Aug 2024

2 min read

NPSS will provide regular correct pest management advisories and will promote Integrated Pest Management.

  • It is under Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage (Ministry of Agriculture).

Need for NPSS:

  • To effectively reduce farmers’ dependence on pesticide retailers & address overuse of pesticides.
  • Pest attacks causes losses up to 20% in food production.

AI & Agriculture 

Al can be used as viable solutions to address food inadequacy, climate change, low yield etc. 

Applications of AI in Agriculture

  • Diagnostic: Identifying water stress, pest and diseases infestation 
  • Prescriptive: Soil health analysis, prescription of fertilizer. E.g. SENSAGRI: SENsor based Smart AGRIculture”
  • Advisory: Weather advisory, irrigation scheduling 
  • Predictive: Yield prediction, pest attack forecasting & early warning e.g. BharatAgri App 

Challenges in adoption of AI in Indian Context

  • Policy issues: incomprehensive data governance, rights, enforcement, regulations, etc. 
  • Farmers’ attitude: risk-aversion and resistance to change, lack of trust in technology. 
  • Marginalization and digital divide: Absence of enabling Digital infrastructure prevents smallholders from using advanced technologies.
  • High Initial investment:  poses a barrier for small-scale farmers

Way forward

  • Continued investment in research & Infrastructure.
  • Providing financial support and subsidies to Research Institute to develop region specific Al models and Application.

Initiatives for promoting AI in Agriculture

  • Kisan e-Mitra’ : AI-powered chatbot to assist farmers on PM Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme. 
  • Al for Agriculture Innovation (AI4AI) initiative, launched by the World Economic Forum.
    • Under it, 'Saagu-Baagu'initiative  was launched to promote innovation in agriculture in Telangana.
  • AI based analytics for crop health monitoring using Satellite datasets for rice and wheat crops.
  • Tags :
  • National Pest Surveillance System
  • AI in Agriculture
  • Integrated Pest Management
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