Security of Indian Dignitaries | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Security of Indian Dignitaries

Posted 22 Aug 2024

Updated 29 Aug 2024

3 min read

Why in the News? 

The recent assassination attempt on the former President of the US during a public rally has raised concerns about the security of dignitaries who hold positions of power and hence are generally vulnerable to threats from various quarters.

Security Arrangements for Indian Dignitaries 

Special security cover is provided to Indian dignitaries and some other citizens (including private citizens) based on: 

  • Official Position: Certain categories of individuals, such as Union Ministers, Chief Ministers, Judges of Supreme Court and High Courts, are provided positional/statutory security cover.
    • Such security cover is meant to facilitate bold and impartial decision making. Their security is withdrawn after they demit their office.
  • Threat Perception: Other individuals are provided security based on threat assessment. 
    • The responsibility for providing security to an individual lies primarily with the State Government/Union Territory Administration in whose jurisdiction such individual ordinarily resides and/or happens to be. 

Security Provided by The Union Government 

  • There is no official nomenclature like VVIP or VIP attributed to an individual to whom special security is provided. 
  • Security by the Union Government is provided based on the guidelines under the “Blue Book” and “Yellow Book” of the Union Ministry of Home Affairs. 
    • Blue Books: There are special instructions for security of the President, the Vice President and the Prime Minister, which are contained in their respective Blue Books.
    • Yellow Book: Security arrangements for other individuals are made as per the guidelines laid down in the ‘Yellow Book’ titled ‘Security arrangements for the protection of individuals’.
      • The security arrangements for such individuals are made after careful assessment of their threat perception by the Central Security Agency.
      • Depending on the level of threat, security is provided in Z+, Z, Y+, Y and X categories. Private citizens can also avail this security (some of them have to pay fee for this)

Security Cover to the Prime Minister 

  • Special Protection Group (SPG): Under the Special Protection Group Act (1988), the SPG is an armed force and is mandated to provide proximate security to the Prime Minister (both serving and former) and their immediate family members. 
    • “Proximate Security” means protection provided from close quarters, during journey by road, rail, aircraft, etc. and shall include the places of functions, engagements, residence or halt.
  • Responsibilities of Other Authorities:  Although it is the SPG that takes the final call on how the PM’s security is to be arranged, other stakeholders could be involved in ensuring the security of Prime Minister.
    • When the PM is travelling to any state, it is the responsibility of the state police to ensure overall security.
      • They have the responsibility of intelligence gathering, route clearance, venue sanitisation, and crowd management
    • Central intelligence agencies are responsible for providing inputs about any threat to security. 
  • Tags :
  • Security of Indian Dignitaries
  • Blue Book
  • Yellow Book
  • Special Protection Group
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