Union Budget announced corridor projects for the Vishnupad and the Mahabodhi Temple | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Union Budget announced corridor projects for the Vishnupad and the Mahabodhi Temple

Posted 25 Jul 2024

2 min read

These will be modelled on the successful Kashi Vishwanath Temple Corridor, to transform them into world-class pilgrim and tourist destinations.

About the Vishnupad Temple

  • Location: on the banks of the Falgu river, Gaya, Bihar
  • Dedicated to Lord Vishnu
  • The old temple was  renovated by the queen of Indore, Devi Ahilyabai in the eighteenth century.
  • Feature: A 40 cm-long footprint is believed to be Lord Vishnu's, marking the spot where he defeated Gayasur.

About Mahabodhi Temple

  • Location: at the base of bodhi (peepal) tree where Buddha attained nirvana, Bodhgaya, Bihar
  • Built by:  Emperor Asoka built the first shrine in 3rd B.C, vedika (railing) of the temple belongs to the post Mauryan period (100 BC) and many of the sculptures belong to Pala period.
    • Present temple is mostly a colonial period reconstruction.
  • Design: Neither Nagara nor Dravida (It is narrow like a nagara temple, rises without curving like a dravida).
    • Temple Architectural Styles in India: Nagara (North), Dravida (South) and Vesar (Mixing of north and south)
  • Features: one of the earliest Buddhist temples built entirely in brick.
  • Recognition: UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Buddhist Architecture: 

  • Stupa: It is a dome-shaped structure that contains relics of the Buddha or other sacred objects. E.g. Sanchi Stupa
  • Chaityas: Buddhist hall of worship.E.g. Chaitya hall at Karla, Maharashtra
  • Viharas: Buddhist monastery buildings for the monks. E.g. Nalanda University is a mahavihara.
  • Tags :
  • Mahabodhi Temple
  • Buddhist architecture
  • Vishnupad Temple
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