DRDO successfully flight-tests Phase-II Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) System | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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DRDO successfully flight-tests Phase-II Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) System

Posted 25 Jul 2024

2 min read

BMD System seek to defend against an attack by launching interceptors that would hit and destroy incoming missiles on impact. 

  • DRDO’s successful flight-tests of Phase-II AD Endo-atmospheric missile demonstrated the indigenous capability to defend against ballistic missiles of 5,000 km class.
  • The Target Missile was detected by weapon system radars deployed on land and sea and activated the Air Defence (AD) interceptor system
  • The flight test fully met all the trial objectives validating complete network-centric warfare weapon system consisting of 
    • Long-range sensors,
    • Low latency communication system and Mission Control Centre, and 
    • Advance interceptor missiles

India’s BMD programme: 

  • Aim:  To deploy a layered missile shield to protect the country from ballistic missile attacks. 
  • Consists of Two phases 
    • Phase 1 of the BMD, which can intercept ballistic missiles with a range of 2,000 km, has already been deployed and consists of: 
      • Prithvi Air Defence (PAD) missile for exo-atmospheric ranges (50-80 km) 
      • Advanced Area Defence (AAD) missile for endo-atmospheric ranges (15-30 km).
    • Phase II: Consists of two missiles, AD-1 and AD-2
      • In November 2022, DRDO successfully tested a long-range interceptor missile (AD-1)
  • Tags :
  • BMD
  • BMD System
  • Ballistic Missile
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