Centre criticizes State of Kerala for appointing ‘External Cooperation’ Official | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Centre criticizes State of Kerala for appointing ‘External Cooperation’ Official

Posted 29 Jul 2024

2 min read

Ministry of External Affairs criticized Kerala government’s order appointing a Secretary in charge of External Cooperation, stating that State Governments should not intrude into matters that are beyond their constitutional jurisdiction.

Constitutional provisions regarding External Affairs

  • Seventh Schedule: “Foreign affairs; all matters which bring the Union into relation with any foreign country” is listed as item 10 under Union List.
  • Article 253: Parliament has power to make any law for implementing any treaty with any other country or any decision made at any international conference, etc.
  • Article 293: Places territorial limits on borrowing power of the states, i.e., states non-access to foreign loans.

State’s Interests in External Affairs

  • Economic interests: Attracting FDI and promotion of trade. E.g., Investor Summits of states like Vibrant Gujarat, etc.
  • Resource sharing: e.g., opposition by West Bengal to a potential Teesta River Treaty between India and Bangladesh.
  • Cultural and diaspora connections: States with large diaspora populations abroad, like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Punjab, have interests in maintaining connections and facilitating remittances.
  • Others: State’s like Goa have interests in issues like Visa regulations for promotion of tourism, trans-boundary movement and national security in states and UTs like Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, etc.

Way Forward to promote and protect State’s interests in External Affairs

  • Strengthen and empower existing mechanisms like Inter-State Council (ISC) for state involvement in foreign policy.
  • Establish Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) branch offices staffed by state officials in all state capitals.
  • Revive regular meetings between MEA and state Chief Secretaries on foreign policy matters.
  • Allow interested states to station representatives in Indian embassies abroad.
  • Encourage states to create international affairs cells headed by senior officials with MEA support.
  • Tags :
  • Seventh Schedule
  • Article 253
  • Article 293(1)
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