Ministry of Education (MoE) defines Literacy and Full Literacy under New India Literacy Programme | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Ministry of Education (MoE) defines Literacy and Full Literacy under New India Literacy Programme

Posted 27 Aug 2024

2 min read

To support adult education/literacy as emphasized in NEP 2020 and SDG 4.6 (ensuring all youth and adults achieve literacy and numeracy by 2030), it is essential to define both Literacy and Full Literacy.

  • Literacy: Ability to read, write, and compute with comprehension, i.e. to identify, understand, interpret and create along with critical life skills like digital and financial literacy etc.
  • Full Literacy (to be considered equivalent to 100% literacy): Achieving 95% literacy in a State/UT that may be considered as equivalent to fully literate.

About New India Literacy Programme (NILP)

Infographic titled "Five Components of NILP" with illustrated icons for each: Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN), Critical Life Skills, Basic Education, Vocational Skills, and Continuing Education. Each component is listed with a brief description.
  • Also known as ULLAS (Understanding of Lifelong Learning for All in Society).
  • Launched by MoE, it is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme.
  • Tenure: FYs 2022-27 (5 years).
  • Objective: 
    • Targets all non-literates of age 15 years and above, with more focus on females and educationally backward states.
    • Target 5 crore learners (1.00 crore per year) by using “Online Teaching, Learning and Assessment System (OTLAS)” in collaboration with National Informatics Centre, NCERT and NIOS.
  • Implemented through volunteer teachers, students of schools and Higher Education Institutions and Teacher Education Institution.
  • It is in alignment with recommendations of NEP2020.
  • Need: Absolute number of non-literates in 15 years and above age group is 25.76 crore (Census 2011).
  • Tags :
  • Full Literacy
  • New India Literacy Programme
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