Multiple leaders of South Asia have called for revival of SAARC | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Multiple leaders of South Asia have called for revival of SAARC

Posted 07 Sep 2024

2 min read

Last SAARC biennial summit was hosted by Nepal in 2014.

  • The 2016 summit (to be hosted by Pakistan) was stalled following the terror attack in Pulwama.

Reasons for SAARC’s failures

  • Pakistan’s fixation: Pakistan’s collaboration with China on CPEC (disregarding India’s territorial sovereignty), its state-sponsored terrorism, etc. 
  • Big Brother perception: Fear of India’s hegemony in political and economic sphere of SAARC. 
  • Structural issues: 
    • Bilateral and contentious issues are excluded and there is no arrangement for resolving disputes or mediating conflicts. 
    • Unanimous decisions making (posing a difficulty in decision making). 

​​Why SAARC need revival?

  • Dealing with Common issues: Major issues include climate change, food and energy security, poverty, etc.
    • South Asia is highly vulnerable regions to climate shocks while also being home to world's large population living in relative poverty (World Bank). 
  • Huge untapped intraregional trade potential: Intraregional trade in South Asia is just 5% of its total trade, compared to 25% in ASEAN. 
  • Past Success: These include South Asia Free Trade Agreement, SAARC Development Fund, SAARC regional centres on agriculture, energy, etc.


While India continues to support SAARC with launch of South Asian Satellite, establishment of South Asian University etc., it has also been focusing on interregional cooperation initiatives including BIMSTEC and ‘Act East Policy’.

About South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)

  • Genesis: Established through the SAARC Charter in Dhaka on 8 December 1985. 
  • Objectives: Promote the welfare of people and to improve their quality of life through accelerated social progress and economic development in the region.
  • 8 Member States: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. 
  • Secretariat: Kathmandu (Nepal)
  • Tags :
  • South Asia
  • Neighbourhood First Policy
  • China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
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