Prime Minister(PM) Chaired First Meeting of The Governing Board Of Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Prime Minister(PM) Chaired First Meeting of The Governing Board Of Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF)

Posted 11 Sep 2024

2 min read

Key initiatives announced: 

  • Partnerships for Accelerated Innovation and Research (PAIR): Pairing universities where research is at nascent stage with top tier established institutions for mentorship in hub and spoke mode. 
  • Mission for Advancement in High-impact Areas (MAHA): To support priority-driven, solution-focused research in priority areas like EV mobility, Advanced Materials, Solar Cells, Health & Medical Technology, etc. 
  • ANRF Centre of Excellence (ACE): To establish world-class research centers with substantial funding support. 

About ANRF 

  • Genesis: Establishment under the ANRF Act 2023 and erstwhile Science and Engineering Research Board is subsumed into ANRF. 
  • Aim: To seed, grow and foster a culture of research and innovation throughout the country as per recommendations of National Education Policy.
    • ANRF strives to making India knowledge-driven society
  • Funding: Mobilisation of ₹50,000 crore for the period 2023-2028 (Rs 14,000 crore from Centre and Rs 36,000 crore from private sources). 
  • Governance 
    • Administrative department: Department of Science and Technology (DST)
    • Governing Board
      • Ex-officio President: PM 
      • Ex-Officio Vice-Presidents:  Union Minister of Science and Technology, and Minister of Education.
    • Executive Council: Chaired by the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India

Issues in India’s research ecosystem that would be resolved by ANRF

  • Only a few of India’s higher education institutions were engaged in research activities. 
    • Scientific research in India is concentrated mainly in specialised institutions like IISC, TIFR, IITs, etc. in contrast to many other countries where universities are nerve centres of research. 
  • Several ministries run separate R&D programmes, often leading to duplication and inefficiency. 
  • Tags :
  • ANRF
  • PAIR
  • MAHA
  • ACE
  • India's Research Ecosystem
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