Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative (IPOI) Completes Five Years | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative (IPOI) Completes Five Years

Posted 11 Sep 2024

2 min read

About IPOI

  • Genesis: IPOI was launched by India in 2019 at the East Asia Summit (EAS) in Bangkok (Thailand) as an open, inclusive, non-treaty-based global initiative
  • Philosophy: Builds upon India’s ‘Security and Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR)’ initiative of 2015.
    • IPOI seeks to build a sense of community by creating new partnerships with like-minded countries through practical cooperation.
  • 7 pillars of collaboration: One or two countries could take the lead for a pillar with others joining in voluntarily
An infographic image showing Pillars and leading countries of Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative (IPOI), viz., Maritime Security: UK and India; Maritime Ecology: Australia and Thailand; Maritime Resources: France and Indonesia; Capacity Building and Resource Sharing: Germany; Disaster Risk Reduction and Management: India and Bangladesh; Science, Technology and Academic Cooperation: Italy and Singapore; Trade, Connectivity and Maritime Transport: Japan and US.
  • No institutional framework: leans on regional architecture like EAS, IORA, BIMSTEC, etc.

Significance of IPOI

  • The cooperation approach provides an alternative to geopolitical competition in the Indo-Pacific. 
  • Aligns with India’s Maritime India Vision 2030 and Maritime Amrit Kaal Vision 2047.
  • Convergences with other global initiatives like AIIPOIP (Australia-India Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative Partnership), AOIP (ASEAN Outlook for the Indo-Pacific), IPEF, etc. 

Way ahead to enhance effectiveness of IPOI

  • Outline a brief plan and agenda for the next five years should be outlined by leaders of each pillar. 
  • Make a truly global body by incorporating all island states, East African and Gulf countries.
  • Annual summaries for each pillar by leading countries. 
  • Tags :
  • Indo-Pacific
  • Indian Ocean Region (IOR)
  • Mission SAGAR
  • Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative
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