NITI Aayog releases Expert Group Report on Future Pandemic Preparedness | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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NITI Aayog releases Expert Group Report on Future Pandemic Preparedness

Posted 13 Sep 2024

2 min read

Report reflects on challenges faced during COVID-19 pandemic and proposes a comprehensive strategy for future pandemic preparedness.

  • It emphasizes "One Health" approach to address growing threat of zoonotic diseases.

Issues faced during COVID-19:

  • Legislative: Provisions of NDMA & Epidemic Diseases Act (EDA) are not entirely suited for a public health emergency.
  • Surveillance and Data Management: Multiple data sources were not well-integrated, affecting decision-making.
  • Research and Innovation: Research bodies are not linked with industries for rapid development of diagnostics & vaccines.

Key recommendations:

  • Governance:
    • Enacting Public Health Emergency Management Act(PHEMA) to address aspects beyond epidemics, including non-communicable diseases, disasters, and bioterrorism,
    • Creation of an Empowered Group of Secretaries on Pandemic Preparedness and Emergency Response (PPER) chaired by Cabinet Secretary.
    • Setting up of a special PPER fund
  • Data Management, Surveillance and Early Predictive Warning:
    • Creating a well-connected/integrated robust surveillance network
    • Building a solid modeling and forecasting network for early prediction
  • Research and Innovation:
    • Setting up an Institute of Innovation for New Platform technologies and vaccine development
    • Creating Centers of Excellence for Skilling Human Resources in identified gap areas.

Existing Framework for Epidemic/Pandemic Management:

  • 'Public Health and Sanitation' is under Entry 6 of the State list (Seventh Schedule).
  • Entry 29 of Concurrent List empowers center and State both to legislate for prevention of infectious or contagious diseases from one state to another.
  • International Health Regulation (2005) provides legal framework for States in handling public health emergencies.
  • EDA 1897 is main legislation on subject matter.
  • Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme provides for disease surveillance
  • Tags :
  • NITI Aayog
  • Pandemic
  • Public Health
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