Governing AI for Humanity: UN Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence final report | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Governing AI for Humanity: UN Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence final report

Posted 20 Sep 2024

2 min read

Advisory body was formed last year to undertake analysis and advance recommendations for the international governance of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Need for Global Governance of AI

  • Accelerated development of AI concentrates power and wealth on a global scale, with geopolitical and geoeconomic implications.
  • Lack of understanding of AI’s inner workings to fully control its outputs or predict its evolution.
  • As AI technology is transboundary in structure and application, it cannot be left to market forces alone.
  • For equitable distribution of AI’s opportunities such as optimizing energy grids, improving public health and agriculture, etc.

Gap in Global AI governance

  • Lack of truly global and comprehensive frameworks: despite numerous AI governance documents and initiatives.
  • Lack of representation: In the sampled countries, seven countries are parties to all the AI governance efforts, whereas 118 countries are parties to none (primarily in the global South).
  • Implementation issue: Commitments do not translate into tangible outcomes leading to hindrance in sharing of the opportunities provided by AI equally.


  • An independent international scientific panel on AI.
  • Twice-yearly intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder policy dialogue on AI governance.
  • Creation of an AI standards exchange, bringing together stakeholders.
  • Creation of an AI capacity development network.
  • Creation of a global fund for AI to facilitate access to AI.
  • Creation of global AI data framework, developed through a process initiated by a relevant agency.
  • AI office within the UN Secretariat for supporting and coordinating global efforts in AI risk management and global governance.
  • Tags :
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • AI Governance
  • UN Advisory Body
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