NGT orders classification of Nainital town based on carrying capacity and environmental sensitivity | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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NGT orders classification of Nainital town based on carrying capacity and environmental sensitivity

Posted 23 Sep 2024

2 min read

The order was issued by National Green Tribunal (NGT) while hearing a case of unauthorised large-scale tree cutting, allegedly harming the forest areas and affecting recharging of Naini Lake.

Key Highlights of the Order

  • Classification of town into development or prohibited zone and regulated zones based on environmental conditions.
  • Rehabilitation of lakes: State government was directed to implement catchment area treatment plans for lakes in the district.
  • Creation of master plans and determination of carrying capacity of Nainital based on factors such as hydrology, sanitation load bearing, vegetation and current tourism trends.

What is Carrying Capacity?

  • It refers to the maximum threshold of population an area can bear in relation to the available resources.
  • It depends on both biotic (e.g. vegetation, hydrology) and abiotic (e.g. terrain, climate) factors.
  • Two major approaches for assessing Carrying Capacity:
    • Planetary boundaries approach: Applied in the context of environmental crises such as global warming, land degradation, pollution, water stress.
    • Biocapacity Overshoot approach: It is a sustainability metric about the demand humans put on the earth systems by consuming total annual productivity of natural systems within a few months every year. e.g., Earth Overshoot Day.
  • Significance: Carrying capacity assessment based on precautionary principles (refer infographic) provides the option to practically deal with the tussle between ‘developmental governance’ and ‘sustainability of development’.
An infographic image showing "Precautionary Principle for Assessment of Carrying Capacity." It highlights four key points: Taking Preventive Actions in the Face of Uncertainty, Shifting the Burden of Proof on Proponents of the Activity, Exploring Alternatives to Potential Harmful Actions, and Increasing Public Participation in Decision-Making.
  • Tags :
  • Carrying Capacity
  • Earth Overshoot Day
  • Precautionary Principles
  • National Green Tribunal
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