Quad Principles of DPI | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Quad Principles of DPI

Posted 23 Sep 2024

2 min read

The principle for DPI was released acknowledging the importance of digitalisation to transform societies and to achieving the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

About DPI

  • DPI is a digital network that enables countries to safely and efficiently deliver economic opportunities and social services to all residents.
    • DPI can be compared to roads, which form a physical network that connects people and provides access to a huge range of goods and services.
    • ‘India Stack’ is India's own foundational DPI. 

Quad’s Key Principles for DPI

  • Inclusivity: Eliminate economic, technical & social barriers, empowerment of end-users, and avoid erroneous algorithmic bias.
  • Collaboration: Enable development of user-centric solutions and facilitate sustained adoption and allow innovators to develop new services.
  • Modularity and Extensibility: A modular architecture to accommodate changes/modifications without undue disruption.
  • Scalability: Use flexible design to easily accommodate any unexpected increase in demand.
  • Sustainability: Ensure sustainability through adequate financing and technological support.
  • Other Principles: Interoperabilityrespect for human rights, grievance redress, contribute to SDGs, protect intellectual property rights, Governance for Public Benefit, Trust, & Transparency, ensure Security and Privacy

Other Global Initiatives for Adoption of DPI 

  • Announced by G20 India Presidency (2023): 
    • One Future Alliance: It is a voluntary aimed at building capacity for implementing DPI in low- and middle-income countries. 
    • Global DPI Repository (GDPIR) portal: It was designed, developed and rolled out by India.
    • Social Impact Fund (SIF) was also announced for accelerating DPI implementation across Global South nations
  • International organizations: Development organisations including the World Bank, UNDP and philanthropies like the Gates Foundation are establishing specialised programmes focused on DPI.

NOTE: To know more about DPI, kindly refer News Today dated 22nd February 2024. 

  • Tags :
  • Digital Public Infrastructure
  • Quad Principles of DPI
  • One Future Alliance
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