Kutumb Prabodhan
Recently, the Vice President emphasized the importance of 'Kutumb Prabodhan' in society.
About Kutumb Prabodhan
- About: It refers to family (kutumb) enlightenment (prabodhan) and is a core principle of India’s culture.
- Purpose: Instill sanskaras (values) in younger generation through knowledge, sharing experiences, strengthening familial ties.
- Aim: Create a society based on righteous and moral conduct which is an embodiment of larger family (Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam)
- Tags :
- Kutumb Prabodhan
- Cultural values
Articles Sources
India’s Renewable Energy Sector
Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy released latest data (October 2023-October 2024) on India’s renewable energy sector.
Major Achievements
- Total installed capacity: Increased by 24.2 GW (13.5%) reaching 203.18 GW (October 2024)
- Total non-fossil fuel capacity (Including nuclear): Increased to 211.36 GW (2024) from 186.46 GW (2023).
- Installed Solar capacity: Increased to 92.12 GW (2024) from 72.02 GW (2023).
- Installed Wind Capacity: Increased to 47.72 GW (2024) from 44.29 GW (2023).
- Large hydro projects and Nuclear power capacity: Forms 46.93 GW and 8.18 GW of India’s renewable energy.
- Tags :
- Renewable Energy
- Solar Energy
Articles Sources
Long Range Land Attack Cruise Missile (LRLACM)
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) conducted the maiden flight-test of a LRLACM.
- Designed as a successor to the Nirbhay cruise missile.
- Range: 1,000 km.
- Launch capability: From both mobile ground launchers as well as from ships.
- It enables long-distance strikes against strategic targets from stand-off distances.
- Can perform various manoeuvres while flying at various altitudes and speeds.
- Tags :
- Long Range Cruise Missile
Articles Sources
Central Industrial Security Force
Home Ministry approves first all-woman battalion for CISF.
About CISF:
- CISF is an armed force of the Union established under an Act of Parliament, Central Industrial Security Force Act, 1968.
- CISF is the only force with a customized and dedicated fire wing.
- Mandated to provide security to:
- The premises staff along with the security of property and establishments.
- The strategic establishment including the Department of Space, the Department of Atomic Energy etc.
- The protected persons classified as Z Plus, Z, X, Y.
- Tags :
- Women Empowerment
Subansiri River
2,000 MW Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project on river Subansiri, located at Arunachal Pradesh-Assam border, is set to be commissioned.
About Subansiri River (also known as Gold River)
- Origin: It’s a Trans- Himalayan River originating from the western part of the Mount Porom (5059 m) in the Tibetan Himalaya.
- River enters India through Miri Hills in Arunachal Pradesh.
- It is the Right Northern bank and the longest tributary of Brahmaputra, and join it at Majuli Island in Assam.
- Majuli is the largest River Island in Asia.
- Tags :
- Brahmaputra
- Subansiri
Department of Atomic Energy plans to construct a 1 GeV particle accelerator to convert India's abundant thorium reserves into nuclear fuel.
- High-energy proton accelerators (1 GeV) are used to create neutrons for breeding uranium-233 from thorium.
- U-233: A fissile material that can be used in a nuclear reactor to produce electricity.
About Thorium
- On the basis of per unit mass of mined mineral, thorium can generate more energy compared to natural uranium.
- Thorium is far more abundant in nature than uranium.
- Thorium produces less harmful waste compared to uranium.
- Monazite contains 10–12 percent thorium dioxide.
- Tags :
- Thorium
- High-energy proton accelerators
Breakthrough on Advancements in drug delivery inside cells through Nano-transporters.
- Nano-burflower shaped gold nanoparticles: Improve the efficiency of intracellular delivery and in treatment of cancer.
- Hydrogels created using five amino acid protein fragments from SARS-CoV-1.
- These hydrogels, which are gels without liquid content, are effective for drug delivery.
About Nano-transporters
- Designed to deliver active compounds to a specific target site (cells or tissues) in a controlled manner.
- Significance: Minimize the damage to the surrounding tissue & allow a lower dose of the drug to be used.
- Tags :
- Nanotransporters
- Nano-burflower