Merchant Shipping Bill, 2024 seeks to repeal Merchant Shipping Act, 1958.
- Bill aims to consolidate and amend law relating to merchant shipping to ensure compliance with India’s obligation under maritime treaties and international instruments to which India is a party.
Key Highlights of Bill
- Establishment of National Shipping Board: To advise Central Government on matters relating to Indian shipping.
- It shall have power to regulate its own procedure for conduct of its business.
- Maritime Administration: Central Government appoint a person to be Director-General of Maritime Administration.
- Registration of Vessels: Ownership allowed by
- Citizen of India including Non-Resident Indian or an Overseas Citizen of India;
- Company/ body established by any Central Act or State Act having its registered office of business in India.
- Transfer of Indian vessel or share: No person shall transfer/acquire any Indian vessel at any time during which India’s security or any part of territory is threatened by sanction, war or external aggression and proclamation of emergency.
- Prevention and containment of pollution: Every vessel shall comply with provisions of international conventions, as applicable, namely MARPOL Convention; Anti-Fouling Systems Convention; etc. to prevent pollution.
Need for Bill