DRI, constituted in 1957, is apex anti-smuggling agency of India working under Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs, Ministry of Finance.
Key Highlights of report
- DRI seized 1319 kg of gold, with land and air route contributing 55% and 36% of seizures respectively.
- Quantity of cocaine smuggled into India, primarily through airports, increased by 9%.
- DRI seized illegal wildlife products, particularly elephant tusks (~53 kg).
Why India is prone to Smuggling?
- Geographical location: Proximity to major drug-trafficking routes e.g. Death crescent (Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan), Death triangle (Myanmar, Laos, Thailand) etc.
- Extensive border: porous land boundaries, difficult terrain, and presence of ~7500 km coastline, makes them difficult to monitor.
- High domestic demand: Cultural affinity for Gold, rising youth population and demand of narcotics etc. makes India a lucrative market.
- Economic factors: Differences in tax structures, pricing, etc. encourage smuggling. E.g. cheaper Gold in Dubai, Bangkok
Way forward
- Collaborate with International Agencies: E.g. Operation Tentacle for Smuggling of currency, diamonds and gold by airline passengers by World Customs Organization etc.
- Strengthening border and coastal security: integrated border management, enhanced surveillance (use of thermal imaging, motion sensors etc.), coastal monitoring through radars and patrolling.
Initiatives taken to control SmugglingGlobal: