ALL INDIA SURVEY ON HIGHER EDUCATION (AISHE) 2021-2022 | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 15 Mar 2024

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The Ministry of Education released the All-India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) 2021-2022. 


About the All-India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE)

  • The All-India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) was initiated in 2011.
  • The survey has been conducted since the XII Five Year Plan under the scheme Higher Education Statistics and Public Information System (HESPIS).
  • The Survey intended to cover all the Institutions in the country engaged in imparting Higher Education.
  • For the first time, all the major Stakeholders in Higher Education, such as the University Grants Commission, All India Council for Technical Education, Medical Council of India as well as State Governments participated in the data collection exercise.
  • The entire survey was conducted through Electronic Mode and a dedicated portal was developed for this purpose.


The Institutions, under AISHE are classified in the following three broad categories: -

  • University/University Level Institutions: - The Institutions which are empowered to award degrees under some Act of Parliament or State Legislature.
  • Colleges/Institutions which are not empowered to provide degrees in its name and therefore are affiliated/ recognized with universities.
  • Stand-alone Institutions (not affiliated with universities): These Institutions generally run Diploma/PG Diploma level programmes for which they require recognition from one or other Statutory Bodies. E.g. Polytechnique.




Key Highlights of the Report:

Number of Institutions

  • The total number of Universities / University level institutions registered is 1,168, Colleges 45,473 and Standalone Institutions 12,002.
  • 17 Universities (of which 14 are State Public Universities) and 4,470 Colleges are exclusively for women.
  • Government Universities constituting 58.6% of total Universities, contribute 73.7% of total enrolment, Private Universities account for 26.3% of total enrolment.

Student Enrolment

  • The total enrolment in higher education has increased to nearly 4.33 crore in 2021-22 from 4.14 crore in 2020-21.
  • The estimated Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Higher Education for the age group 18-23 years in India is 28.4. 
  • GER in HEIs is significantly low as compared to the global average of 40%.
  • For Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe students, the GER is 25.9 and 21.2 respectively.
  • Gender Parity Index (GPI), the ratio of female Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) to male GER is 1.01 in 2021-22. 
    • GPI has continued to be above 1 since 2017-18 i.e., female GER continues to be more than male GER for fifth consecutive year.
  • Undergraduate level enrolment is highest in Arts (34.2%), followed by science (14.8%), Commerce (13.3%) and Engineering & Technology (11.8%).

Infrastructure for Institution

  • Availability of different infrastructural facilities in HEIs in 2020-21:
    • Libraries (97%)
    • Laboratories (88%)
    • Computer centres (91%, 86% in 2019-20)
    • Skill Development Centre (61%, 58% in 2019-20)
    • Connectivity to National Knowledge Network (56%, from 34% in 2019-20)

Representation of Foreign Students

  • India hosts 46,878 foreign students, with Nepal leading at 28%, followed by Afghanistan at 6.7%.
  • The highest number of foreign students are enrolled in Undergraduate courses, (74.8%) followed by Post Graduate courses (15.8%).


Accreditation System for HEIs

  • Government plans to Overhaul Accreditation system for Higher Educational Institutes (HEIs).
  • Recently, Ministry of Education has accepted the proposed reforms in the accreditation system of HEIs as recommended by Dr. Radhakrishnan Committee.
    • Committee was formed to strengthen Assessment & Accreditation of HEIs as envisioned in the National Education Policy, 2020.
    • Accreditation is assessment of quality of education.
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  • Key Recommendation of Dr. Radhakrishnan Committee
    • Composite Assessment System (CAS): Amalgamate Programme-Accreditation and Institutional-Accreditation.
    • Binary Accreditation: Either accredited or not accredited.
      • NAAC’s Executive Committee has decided to implement it in next four months.
      • No new applications will be accepted as per the present methodology thereafter.
    • Maturity-Based Graded Accreditation: Level 1 to Level 5 to encourage HEIs to evolve in-depth or in-breadth in disciplines.
      • NAAC has decided to implement it by December 2024.
    • One Nation One Data Platform: To ensure integrity and transparency in handing institutional data.
    • “Stakeholder validation”: To effectively integrate stakeholders as part of the accreditation and ranking process.
    • Other proposals: Enable choice based ranking system for diverse users, bring down periodicity of re-accreditation, etc.
  • Tags :
  • Ministry of Education
  • Higher Education
  • Gross Enrolment Ratio
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