First ever 'Cultural Property Agreement' signed by the India and United States of America | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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First ever 'Cultural Property Agreement' signed by the India and United States of America

Posted 27 Jul 2024

1 min read

It was signed on the sidelines of the 46th World Heritage Committee, New Delhi.

About the Agreement

  • Aim: to prevent and curb the illicit trafficking of antiquities from India to the USA.
  • CPA restricts the importation into the United States of certain archaeological material and ethnological material of Indian origin.
  • It shall be helpful in quick seizure of Indian antiquities at US Customs and their repatriation back to India. 
  • Significance: cultural diplomacy, promotes tourism, education enrichment, etc. 

Efforts to prevent smuggling of antiquities

At Global level

  • Article 9 of the 1970 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property.
  • The Kashi Culture Pathway, the Outcome Document of the G20 Culture Working Group endorsed an effective global coalition to bolster the fight against illicit trafficking.

At National level

  • Section 3 of the Antiquities and Art Treasure Act, 1972 prevents export of antiquities outside India.
  • If an antiquity is traced, the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is responsible for coordination with the other country and recovery of antiquities.
    • ASI has retrieved 357 antiquities from foreign countries from the year 1976.
  • Tags :
  • Cultural Diplomacy
  • Art and Culture
  • USA
  • Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)
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