World Bank released Report titled “The Impact of Climate Change on Education” | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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World Bank released Report titled “The Impact of Climate Change on Education”

Posted 27 Jul 2024

2 min read

Report highlights that climate change intensifies extreme weather, disrupting schooling and causing learning losses and dropouts. Click here to read the complete report.

Impact of Climate Change on Education

  • Education Remains Overlooked in Climate Policy Agenda: In 2020, education accounted for less than 1.3% of climate assistance and mentioned in less than one in three Nationally Determined Contribution plans.
  • School Closures: Over 2005-2024, schools were closed in at least 75% of extreme weather events, impacting 5 million people or more. 
    • Over 99 % of children across world are exposed to at least one major climate and environmental hazard, shock.
  • Rising temperature negatively impact learning outcomes: Even an increase of 1°C in outdoor temperature on exam days can result in a substantial decline in test scores.
    • E.g. Students in hottest 10% of Brazilian municipalities, lost about 1% of learning per year due to increasing heat exposure.
  • Increasing food insecurity and economic fragility jeopardize school enrollment: Up to 170 million people will be at risk of hunger by 2080 due to climate change, affecting student learning.
  • Disproportionately harm: Climate-related events prevent at least 4 million girls in low- and lower-middle-income countries from completing their education.

Approach to adapt education systems for climate change

  • Education Management for Climate Resilience: Invest in early warning systems. E.g. InaRISK mobile app enhances disaster knowledge for students and staff in Indonesia.
  • School Infrastructure for Climate Resilience: Strengthening resilience of existing buildings. E.g. Rwanda’s Project equipping school sites with Retaining walls to mitigate flood- and rainstorm-related landslides.
    • Management of classroom temperatures. E.g. Green Economy Strategy and Implementation Plan (Kenya) promoting bioclimatic design, enhancing student comfort during high temperature.
  • Ensuring Learning Continuity in case of climate shocks: Keep schools open (as much as possible), strengthen remote learning mechanisms.
    • E.g. Back-to-school campaign (Ghana) resulting in nearly 100% re-enrollment after COVID-19. 
  • Tags :
  • Climate change
  • Education
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