RBI highlights issues in “Financing for Sustainable Agriculture” | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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RBI highlights issues in “Financing for Sustainable Agriculture”

Posted 17 Sep 2024

2 min read

Sustainable agriculture is essential for ensuring food security, combating climate change, and preserving natural resources. 

  • However, financing sustainable agriculture remains a challenge as highlighted by RBI in a recently held international conference on Sustainable Financing for Food Security and Farm Income.

Issues with Agro-Financing in India

  • Regional imbalances: Share of Southern Region is 47.13% whereas that of Northeast Region is 0.76% (2021-22).
  • Issues in access of Credit: ~23% of credit is from non-institutional sources (2021-22).
  • Non-integrated value chain financing due to issues such as fragmentation of land holdings
  • Other Issues: High cost of finance, lack of collateral, complicated procedures etc.

Solutions Suggested for Sustainable financing

  • Increased role of Collectives such as FPOs and FPCs in enhancing bargaining power, access to technology and assured marketing.
  • Value Chain Financing by integrating various stakeholders such as farmers, aggregators, traders, processors into a coordinated system.
  • Warehouse Financing to stabilize prices of agricultural commodities.
  • Adoption of Financing Technology to expand irrigation infrastructure, promote micro-irrigation systems, and farm mechanization.
  • Capital formation through convergence with Government Schemes and interest subventions
  • Leveraging technology and data-driven insights to enhance financing models. E.g. Collaboration with digital platforms to track crop yields

Steps Taken for financing Agriculture

  • Kisan Credit Card(KCC) to meet working capital needs
  • Agricultural Infrastructure Fund(AIF) for farm-gate infrastructure
  • Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI) scheme for construction or renovation of godowns and warehouses
  • Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region Scheme aimed at creating comprehensive value chain from inputs to consumer markets and boosting exports
  • Tags :
  • Agriculture
  • Agro-Financing
  • Financing Agriculture
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