Border Villages are First Line of Defence | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Border Villages are First Line of Defence

Posted 17 Sep 2024

2 min read

Recently, the Defence Minister has described border villages as the country's first line of defence in dealing with multiple challenges posed by India's geo-strategic location.

How Border Villages will act as First Line of Defence? 

  • Intelligence gathering: Enhances situational awareness about security threats, suspicious activities, smuggling attempts etc. 
    • Residents serve as Eyes and Ears for border forces due to familiarity with local terrains, crossing points, patterns of movement etc.
  • Tackles workforce shortages: E.g. Residents of Chushul village (Ladakh) in 2020 helped Army in securing supplies during standoff with Chinese troops
  • Developed border areas discredits adversary claims: E.g. people and infrastructure on the ground confirms the true situation and counters any misleading claims.
    • Moreover, it also helps in prompt military deployments in sensitive regions

Existing Challenges/Concern

  • Infrastructure Bottlenecks due to hilly and difficult terrains. E.g. Northeast 
  • Scattered Population and low population density
  • Persistent law and order problems due to illegal cross-border movements, insurgency, smuggling etc. 
  • Trust deficit due to feeling of being deprived of the developmental facilities and low Socio-economic profile
  • Development of Border villages by adversary countries. E.g. China’s new border village policy along Line of Actual Control (LAC)

Initiatives Taken

  • Vibrant Villages Programme aimed at  overall development of border villages, reversing outmigration, and preserving local culture
  • Border Area Development Programme (BADP) to  meet special developmental needs of  people near international border.
  • Improving connectivity: Through projects like Atal Tunnel, Sela Tunnel, and Shikun-La Tunnel.
    •  Enhance digital connectivity: E.g. Government-funded 4G Airtel service in Lumpo, Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Tags :
  • Vibrant Village Programme (VVP)
  • Border Villages
  • First Line of Defence
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