Union Cabinet approves Biotechnology Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development (Bio-RIDE) Scheme | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Union Cabinet approves Biotechnology Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development (Bio-RIDE) Scheme

Posted 19 Sep 2024

2 min read

Bio-RIDE is part of Government of India’s mission to harness potential of bio-innovation to tackle national and global challenges in sectors such as healthcare, agriculture, environmental sustainability etc.

About Bio-RIDE Scheme

  • Nodal Department: Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology.  
  • Objectives:
    • Strengthen India’s position as a global leader in biomanufacturing and biotechnology.
    • Make India a US$300 billion Bioeconomy by 2030. 
  • Three Components: It combines two existing schemes with a new third component:
    • Biotechnology Research and Development (R&D):  Assistance for human resource development, Bioinformatics, Biotech facilities, Centre of Excellence etc. 
    • Industrial and Entrepreneurship Development (I&ED): Assistance is given to schemes including Public Private Partnership Programmes, Bio-clusters and Biotech parks. 
    • Biomanufacturing and Biofoundry (B&B): 
      • This new component aims at furthering India’s goal of creating a Circular Bioeconomy in alignment with Lifestyle for the Environment (LiFE) mission.
      • A circular bioeconomy offers a conceptual framework for using renewable natural capital to transform and manage our land, food, health and industrial systems, with the goal of achieving sustainable wellbeing in harmony with nature.
  • Funding: Rs.9,197 crore during the 15th Finance Commission (2021-22 to 2025-26).

Significance of Scheme

  • Promote Bio-Entrepreneurship: Nurturing startup ecosystem through seed funding, incubation and mentorship support.
  • Advance Innovation: Grants and incentives for cutting-edge R&D in areas like synthetic biology, biopharmaceuticals, bioenergy, and bioplastics.
  • Facilitate Industry-Academia Collaboration: To accelerate commercialization of bio-based products and technologies.
  • Encourage Sustainable Biomanufacturing and nurture human resource in biotechnology. 
  • Extramural funding, i.e., funding from outside the universities and research institutions.
  • Tags :
  • Bio-RIDE
  • Biomanufacturing and Biofoundry
  • Biofoundary
  • LiFE Mission
  • Circular Bioeconomy
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