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Place in News

Posted 14 Sep 2024

1 min read

Nigeria (Capital: Abuja)

Torrential rains and collapse of Alau Dam led to flooding of Northeast Nigeria. 

A detailed map of Nigeria highlighting the country's geographical location within Africa.

Political features

  • Located on the west coast of Africa.
    • Nigeria is the most populous African Country.
  • Territorial boundaries: Niger (North), Chad and Cameroon (East), Benin (West)
  • Maritime boundaries: The Gulf of Guinea of the Atlantic Ocean in the South.

Geographical Features

  • Major Relief: Sokota Plains (northwest), Borno Plains (north east), etc. 
  • Highest point: Chappal Waddi 
  • Major Rivers:  Sokoto and Niger (forming Niger delta draining into Gulf of Guinea), etc. 
  • Major Lake: Chad (freshwater lake at the conjunction of Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria, and Niger)
  • Tags :
  • Place in News
  • Nigeria
  • Abuja
  • Gulf of Guinea
  • Lake Chad
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