Need of developing and sustaining the Indigenous Electronic Warfare (EW) Systems highlighted | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Need of developing and sustaining the Indigenous Electronic Warfare (EW) Systems highlighted

Posted 14 Sep 2024

2 min read

The Spectrum EW Conference with the theme, “EW: Trends, Technologies & Maintenance Challenges" highlighted EW as one of the main pillars of Air Strategy.

  • Also, emphasised on developing Indigenous EW system with the participation of Indian academia, Defence Public Sector Undertakings and Indian Private Industries. 

About Electronic Warfare (EW)

  • Definition: A military action involving the use of electromagnetic energy to determine, exploit, reduce, or prevent the hostile use of electromagnetic spectrum signals (such as radio, infrared, or radar).
  • Three Major Areas:
    • Electronic Support Measures (ESM or passive EW): Intercepts and analyzes electromagnetic signals for threat recognition, intelligence gathering, and operational planning.
    • Electronic Counter- Measures (ECM or active EW):  Defends against jamming and deception using cyber and multispectral tools, and protecting friendly forces' communications.
    • Electronic Counter- Countermeasures (ECCM): Employs electromagnetic signals or directed energy to disrupt and neutralize enemy electromagnetic capabilities.
  • Challenges faced by EW System: Rapid technological changes require continuous updates in EW capabilities; cyber-attacks etc.

Need EW for India

  • To strengthens national defense by countering advanced threats in the electromagnetic spectrum from enemy countries.
    • E.g., China’s Y-9LG electronic warfare platform.
  • EW Systems in India 
    • Shakti EW system: Provide an electronic layer of defence against modern radars and anti-ship missiles.
    • Programme Sangraha: Joint DRDO-Navy Programme for design and development of five different types of indigenous EW systems.
    • Integrated Electronic Warfare System (IEWS): Designed for plains, semi-desert regions and mountainous terrain.
    • OtherHimshakti ((IEWS), Samyukta (designed to perform multiple jamming), etc.
  • Tags :
  • EW
  • Shakti EW system
  • Programme Sangraha
  • Integrated Electronic Warfare System (IEWS)
  • Electronic Warfare
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