Recently, Cabinet approved consolidating Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) operating under Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer's into two umbrella programs i.e PM-RKVY (cafeteria scheme) to promote sustainable agriculture and Krishonnati Yojana (KY) to address food security & agricultural self-sufficiency.
Salient features
To incentivize the states so as to increase public investment in Agriculture and allied sectors.
To provide autonomy, flexibility to States to plan and execute schemes as per local/ farmers' needs.
To strengthen the efforts of farmers through creation of pre & post-harvest agricultural infrastructure that increases access to quality inputs, storage, market facilities etc and enables farmers to make informed choice.
To promote value chain addition linked production models for increase in the farmer's income as well as encourage production/productivity
To empower youth through skill development, innovation and agri-entrepreneurship-based agribusiness models that attract them to agriculture.
Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
Funding: 90:10 per cent for Northeastern and hilly states;60: 40 per cent for other states; 100 per cent for UTs
Background: RKVY was initiated in 2007-08 as a flagship program to motivate states to create comprehensive agricultural plans that considered local climate, resources, and technology for holistic agricultural development.
In 2017-18, it was transformed into RKVY-RAFTAAR (Remunerative Approaches for Agriculture and Allied Sector Rejuvenation), shifting focus to pre- and post-harvest infrastructure development while promoting agricultural entrepreneurship, innovation, and value addition.
As per recommendation of Expenditure Finance Committee, RKVY has been re-structured as RKVY Cafeteria Scheme from 2022-23 by rationalizing various schemes of Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare.
State Level Sanctioning Committee Meeting (SLSC): Headed by the Chief Secretary of the concerned State, funds are released to the State Governments/ UTs based on projects approved in the SLSC.
Focus of the scheme: Adequate coverage of small and marginal farmers, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and women and other weaker segments of society is to be ensured by the State Governments
The PM-RKVY comprises of the following schemes:
Soil Health Management
Rainfed Area Development
Agro Forestry
Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana
Agricultural Mechanization including Crop Residue Management