India’s first Reusable Hybrid Rocket named RHUMI-1 launched | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 12 Sep 2024

Updated 15 Sep 2024

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India’s first Reusable Hybrid Rocket named RHUMI-1 launched

RHUMI-1, developed by Tamil Nadu-based startup Space Zone India in collaboration with Martin Group, was launched from Thiruvidandhai in Chennai. 

  • It was launched using mobile launcher and carried 3 Cube Satellites and 50 PICO Satellites, which will collect data on global warming and climate change.
    • Cube satellites are a class of nanosatellites, weighing between 1-10 kg.
    • Pico satellites are small satellites that typically weigh between 0.1 and 1 kg.

Features of RHUMI-1

  • Hybrid Rocket Engine: RHUMI-1 is a hybrid rocket engine that uses a combination of solid and liquid propellants to improve efficiency and reduce operational costs.
  • Adjustable Launch Angle: Precise adjustments from 0 to 120 degrees allow for meticulous control over its trajectory.
  • Electrically Triggered Parachute System: An innovative, cost-effective, and eco-friendly descent mechanism ensures safe recovery of rocket components.
  • Environment Friendly:  RHUMI is 100% pyrotechnic-free and 0% TNT.

Reusable Rockets

  • Reusable rockets release the payload, lands back on Earth and can again be launched with new payload. 
  • Benefits
    • Cost Savings: Up to 65% cheaper than building a new rocket for every launch. 
    • Reduce Space Debris: By minimizing discarded rocket components.
    • Increased launch frequency: Lesser turnaround time enables the rocket to be used more frequently.
  • Tags :
  • Reusable Hybrid Rocket
  • RHUMI-1

Astra Mark 1 Missiles

Air Force approves production of 200 Astra Mark 1 missile

About Astra Missiles

  • It is a Beyond Visual Range (BVR) class of Air-to-Air Missile (AAM) system designed to be mounted on fighter aircraft.
    • The ASTRA Mk-I Weapon System integrated with SU-30 Mk-I aircraft is being inducted into the Indian Air Force (IAF).
  • It has range from 80 to 110 km.
  • The missile is designed to engage and destroy highly manoeuvring supersonic aircraft.
  • It is developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation and manufactured by Bharat Dynamics Limited.
  • Tags :
  • Missile
  • Astra Mark 1

Man-Portable Anti-Tank Guided Missile (MPATGM)

Recently, DRDO successfully test-fired indigenously built Man-Portable Anti-Tank Guided Missile (MPATGM).

About MPATGM Weapon System

  • It is a shoulder-launched, portable missile system, specifically designed to counter enemy tanks and armoured vehicles.
  • It consists of Launcher, Target Acquisition System, and Fire Control Unit.
  • It is equipped with advanced infrared homing sensors and integrated avionics which makes it versatile in both day and night operations.
  • It is equipped with a high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) shaped charge warhead.
  • Tags :
  • Missile
  • Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO)
  • Man-Portable Anti-Tank Guided Missile (MPATGM)


Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) carries out successful maiden flight test of Long Range Glide Bomb ‘GAURAV’ from Su-30 MK-I platform.


  • An air launched 1,000 kg class glide bomb capable of hitting targets at long distance.
    • Glide bomb after launch steer towards the target using highly accurate hybrid navigation scheme with a combination of Indian Navigation System (INS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) data.
  • Designed and developed indigenously by the Research Centre Imarat (RCI), Hyderabad.
  • Tags :
  • Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO)
  • Gaurav
  • Glide Bomb

Exercises in News

  • Tarang Shakti: Indian Air Force (IAF) hosted Phase-I of the Exercise Tarang Shakti at Sulur airbase in Tamil Nadu.
    • India’s first multinational air exercise. 
    • Aims to showcase India’s defense prowess and provide a platform for participating militaries to foster interoperability.
    • IAF announced to conduct it biennially.
  • Udara Shakti: It is a joint air exercise of India and Malaysia.
  • 'Parvat Prahaar': Army is carrying out 'Parvat Prahaar' exercise in Ladakh, focusing on high-altitude warfare and operations
    • It involves various military units and equipment to maintain readiness near the India-China border.
  • Mitra Shakti: It is an annual military exercise between India and Sri Lanka.
    • Mitra Shakti” aims to improve the operational proficiency of both armies by facilitating the exchange of skills, experiences, and best practices. 
  • Khaan Quest: Indian army will participate in the 21st edition of the Multinational military exercise, which will be conducted at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
  • Maritime Partnership: Recently Indian Naval Ship Tabar participated in maritime Partnership Exercise (MPX) between India and Russia.
  • Tags :
  • Military Exercise
  • Exercises in News
  • Multinational air exercise
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